Last week at my 37 week u/s you weighed in at 5 lbs, 8 oz, which put you in the 13th percentile. The doctors are not worried and mommy is perfectly happy having a small man :) I was checked yesterday and you are not trying to come out any time soon- I was 50% effaced (thinning out) and not dialated at all. I have been feeling warn down the past few days and sick in the evenings.
Gwen and Cole are getting very excited to meet you. Gwen talks about you often and requests to hold and carry you. Your big brother and big sister picked out some special presents for you and proudly wrapped them a few weeks ago. Your room is mostly complete besides a few random decorations. So, little Reidster, we are waiting for you. Waiting for you to make an appearance (Cole and Gwen want to sing Happy birthday!) and can't wait to share our love and make many memories with you.
Love, Mommy