Tuesday, May 17, 2011

Kick, Kick, Kick!

You are an active little man. You've been moving around a lot more recently. In the past few days, you have been kicking Cole and Gwen when they sit on my lap. Daddy and i were laughing yesterday because your brother and sister haven't quite figured out that mommy's lap is getting smaller. Whenever they sit there, they keep grabbing on and pushing their little bottoms back further only to realize that you are taking up the space where they used to sit!

Friday, May 6, 2011

22.5 Week Belly Pictures!

We Know :)

Well...we finally found out on 4/13/11 that you are a little BOY :) We could tell within seconds that you were a boy. You were a little trouble maker during the big ultrasound. You had your feet over your head the majority of the time and you insisted on sucking your thumb and having your hand in your face. Thankfully, the ultrasound tech was very patient with you :) She said that you were measuring about 19 weeks and weigh about 10 oz. Gwen kept saying "no. baby sister" but she has gotten adjusted to the idea and is very excited for her little brother to arrive. In fact, today she was reminding me that we are getting a new car for "our baby brother". Both Cole and Gwen are insisting that we name you "Shoopa" but they realize that mommy and daddy are not thrilled with the name. IN the car the other day, Gwen said: "Daddy no like name Shoopa. Gwen like Shoopa. Cole like Shoopa. Daddy no like Shoopa".