Thursday, February 3, 2011

Yup, you read the title correctly-- we are the crazy parents who are expecting our third baby! That means as of August 2011, we'll have three kids under the age of three!!!
Here's the recap:
12/25/10- Andy has the stomach bug. I take a pregnancy test and the second line shows up immediately. I quickly throw the test in his christmas stocking along with a few other small gifts. After the kids finish opening their presents, Andy takes the test out of his stocking and says: "REally???".
12/29/10- We visit the Stamps Family in VA and tell them the fun news. Andy wanted to do this by taking a family photo and instead of saying "cheese", yell out "Meg's Pregnant!". He didn't get much of a reaction at first but after the photo session, everyone seemed happy about the news.
1/8/11- The Kreiger Family comes up for a visit. We had made shirts for the kids that said: "Big Brother/Sister" on the front and "August 2011" on the back. When cole woke up from his nap, Pap Pap noticed his shirt immediately. I thought he understood it because he looked at Cole and said: "Let's go see Nana". After a LONG 15 minutes or so, Pap Pap took notice of the shirt again and everyone figured it out. They said that they would have figured it out if they had seen Gwen's shirt because afterall, Cole is technically Gwen's big brother.
1/20/11- Our first appointment at the OB's office. We had a quick u/s to date the pregnancy. Our little peanut, Baby C, measured right on at 8 weeks (due date 8/31/11). We got to hear his/her heartbeat and see his little heart flickering. The heartrate was 168. We were very happy to hear that everything looked good and that there was ONE baby in there!
1/21/11- We sit the kids down to tell them about their little brother/sister. Gwen immediately said: "Baby Sister" and "Baby in Mommy's Belly". Cole ran away and played for awhile but i know he was listening :)
1/25/11- My first appointment with the OB. I got to meet with Dr. Black, the doctor who delivered the twins. It was nice to see her and to chat with her. She said that everything looked good and that i needed to start thinking about a VBAC vs. CSection. More on that later...
2/2/11- 10 Week Belly Picture (My first belly pic!!!)

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