When we made it upstairs to Labor and Delivery (around 11:30 am) I was told that I passed "the towel test" (yes, i had a towel in between my legs and my water was gushing. That landed us directly in a Labor room. Dr. Thomas was there and informed me that i was only 1 cm dialated. She started a low dose of Petocin and we waited...and waited... My contractions were getting close to together and more intense but unfortunately i was only 1 cm. again when I was checked. I was very uncomfortable and finally agreed to try a little Stadal to take the edge off. It definitely made me feel a little loopy but I was able to relax and breathe through the contractions. After it wore off, I was about 4 cm and we started talking to the anesthesiologist about an epidural. I was in a lot of pain until I got it and once it was in, only one side took so i could still feel intense contractions on one side. The anestesiologist was able to adjust it to get the other side to work, thankfully. After that i just hung out for a few hours and tried to get some sleep. I was checked about 2 hours later and was 9 cm. The Labor and Delivery floor was extremely busy so Dr. Thomas said if i was comfortable that I should rest and she would go do a C-section. That was fine with me so i just hung out.
Around midnight it was time to start the pushing process (yep, successful VBAC here i come!!!), which was very difficult because i could not feel anything. The nurse, Dr. Thomas and a med student told me when to push. I was having a difficult time figuring it out and also felt like i couldn't take deep breaths because of my acid reflux, allergies and asthma. I could take one good breath at the beginning of the contraction but the second and third breaths were not great. Also, i was feeling pretty sick to my stomach. I pushed for awhile and then Reid's heartrate went down so the doctors wanted me to lye on my side and to push through every other contraction. After a few times of trying that Dr. Thomas said that she was going to help with the delivery by using the vacuum. A few more contractions (and a lot of puking) and Reid Robert Stamps was born at 1:14 am. He weighed in at 6 lbs, 10 oz and was 19 inches long. I had to remind Daddy to put down the puke bucket and go take pics :)
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